International Bachelor in Development studies
Study location: Vietnam, Nicaragua and Norway, Combinations
Programme facts
- Duration: 3 years
- Credits: 30 (European Credit Transfer System)
- Academic prerequisitions: University eligibility
- Language of instruction: English/Norwegian
If you are studying development studies 1 in Vietnam, and then development studies 2 in Ghana this corresponds to a full academic year of development studies and you can therefore choose to apply for the second year of the Bachelor's program in Development Studies at Oslo Metropolitan University.
First academic year in Vietnam and Ghana
- semester: Development Studies 1, Vietnam
- semester: Development Studies 2, Ghana
The second and third academic year in Oslo and exchange
3. semester: In Oslo
4. semester: In Oslo. Optionally Argentina, Costa Rica, Nepal
5. semester: In Oslo. Optionally Argentina, Costa Rica, Nepal
6. semester: In Oslo. Bachelor essay
In Oslo the language of instruction is mainly Norwegian.